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Most people still do not know how to defend themselves

Sunday, October 01, 2023 6:19 AM | André Salvage (Administrator)

According to, the number of adults who know how to defend themselves is well below 1%. This statistic might come as a surprise, particularly for those deeply immersed in the world of martial arts.

If you're well-versed in safety, self-defense, and various fighting styles, it's easy to assume that everyone possesses some form of self-protection know-how. However, the reality is quite the opposite.

During a recent visit to Los Angeles, I witnessed a physical altercation that left me astounded. Both participants seemed to have just enough martial arts training or had watched enough MMA fights to create chaos, but neither knew how to defend themselves effectively. Consequently, onlookers intervened, primarily to prevent them from causing harm to themselves.

I'm not passing judgment on whether the fact that most people lack fighting skills is good or bad. I'm simply providing a heads-up. If you ever find yourself in a situation escalating into a physical confrontation, having practical street-fighting experience will be a significant advantage.

For those who have let their training lapse, it's worth considering a return to sharpen these critical self-protection skills. Even if there's a good chance your adversary won't be well-versed in personal safety, it's essential to ensure that you are.


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