Delivering keynotes, workshops, lectures, training and coaching to help people skillfully access courage in the face of conflict.

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Authentic Leadership

There are certain qualities and skills that all successful leaders share. The primary quality of an authentic leader is not to lead, influence, or command but to inspire. To inspire, one must move from their True Nature. When you attempt to inspire or even lead from your Ego, it manifests as manipulation, disempowerment, and threats.

Each time an employee fails, management should first ask, “What information, skills, training, or support did I not give them to succeed?’’  This is a shift of thinking from “they fail on their own” to “what did we do to allow this to happen?” It is a move to create solutions instead of shame and blame.

This workshop is designed to help organizational leadership teams to realize the limitations of the habitual, unhealthy, fear-based communications that are often used in one’s professional life, causing shut down, conflicts, and misunderstandings.

To support this shift, in the workshop, we work with managers on how to lead and communicate by example, inspiration, and with an openness to see the divine gift and natural abilities of others—especially the potential in one’s direct reports so they can be given the skills needed for their professional growth and success.

To request André Salvage present this lecture or workshop to your group, company, or organization, please email us at

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